Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Can't Buy Good Help These Days

Another aide spoke out of turn again today. I guess its what happens when you have a slow news day, you find anything to talk about. But it's what the aide said and the NYT reaction to it.

If you didn't follow the link the synopsis is this: "Charlie Black, a senior adviser to Senator John McCain, was quoted in a magazine interview saying that another terrorist attack in the United States would "be a big advantage" for Mr. McCain in the upcoming election".

Now, of course McCain said 'NoWai' and the Obama side said 'LOL' but what's more important here is that NYT is dead wrong. Another terrorist attack would be the *worst* thing for Republicans now because it would prove that A.) No Administration would be able to prevent everything, and only highlight Bush's failures, and B.) What more can you do as a President to fight terrorism if you already nearly run as a police state and have your own personal gulag (we haven't forgotten about you Guantanimo).

To me it'd just prove that a little 'inexperience' may be a good thing right about now.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

I Fell Down This

(And hit the side on the jagged concrete.)
Sent via BlackBerry by AT&T

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Projects and Circles

My Dad rencently told me he has ADHD or some varient thereof. This
extremly personal tidbit of information can only be followed by more
personal information about myself where I disclose the fact that I too
believe I have this. I constantly stop and start projects as I'm sure
people who read (or don't read) know too well.

I figured out how to mobile blog by (phone) email. This should be
effective as normally my best ideas aren't in front of a computer, but
this also means my ideas become more disjointed.

In the spirit of more projects, I want to make a graphic narrative
using wow and comic life. More on that later.

Anyway, thanks for reading.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

From the Mothership

For the first time, I watched from start to finish the WWDC '08 Keynote presentation. It feels like back to the Transformer watching days of my youth. Watching it just makes me want an iPhone. The truly sad things I don't want to afford it because there's a lot of better things to take care of food and rent. I just realized that Kenyans can get the iPhone now. The gods must me crazy!? And here is the kicker, China isn't listed in the 70 countries Apple is supporting.

Anyway, the most exciting thing I found that I already own is the MobileMe. Granted, it won't work with my Blackberry but I'm excited that Apple is stepping up the bar against the free services that are a little less integrated.

Here's to the next step.

Wednesday, June 04, 2008


So, I've been perusing YouTube and came across a superfan YouTube page and they had as a featured video *was* the Kanye West/Daft Punk Stronger Grammys Performance in 08. Pretty much the video got pulled because of copyright issues but what I don't get is this. Its a live performance, the people getting paid got paid. Where is the harm? Are the grammys or the music industry in general so butthurt about piracy that they'd rather pull a video promoting the grammys and the artists in them rather then let it flourish?

The answer is yes, and this is why the RIAA (and MPAA) are obsolete.