Friday, January 04, 2013

Light at the End of the Tunnel

So I finally did it. I finally have in order a brand spanking new Verizon iPhone 5.

I've been using a twenty dollar Samsung flip phone for basic telephoning since September. What I thought would only be a few weeks turned into four months. Sometime soon I'll describe what it was like to survive without an always connected device.

As it wasn't bad enough having to deal with the fact that I had technology from 1997, the past week I haven't had cell service at work. AT&T has some kind of problem in that area where one particular tower thinks it is great and has a strong reliable connection, but the actual tower is not connected to the rest of the network. What's worse, it's not telling your phone to stay away, but rather prevents your phone from getting signal from other towers. Unless you're incredibly rich, then you understand that being without any phone service at all for 8 hours at a full time job is terrible. To make matters more complicated, no one knows what tower this is. AT&T doesn't have it on record per say, and I know the problem isn't with my phone. Now, sadly enough, when I tried troubleshooting this problem with AT&T tech support, they immediately thought it was my phone's SIM card. Because why would a whole tower be down? Unthinkable right? Well I knew that wasn't the problem because I was able to make a call immediately after getting away from the area. Troubleshooting 101, when you remove all of the likely possibilities, all that is left is the implausible.

The upside? I don't have to care anymore about whether or not I can make a phone call in an area. Verizon is covered. The downside? Porting my number means that there is a box somewhere en route that is ringing in anticipation. Literally.

First world problems. See you all next time.

Wednesday, January 02, 2013


Sadly enough, as I quickly slipped into an incomprehensible depression, I started to blog for therapy.

I always wanted to create something. Something people would care about. Love. Argue.

And for awhile, it worked.

As soon as I started really getting into it, I wanted to branch out and see if I could make it more of a thing. More of something interesting for a specific audience. I wanted to be a tech blogger. Now, I'm not really giving up on that, but if I'm also deciding to re-find myself in writing something that I find fun. I also will probably put more of myself on here than I have before.

Now I'll have to deal with one thing I fear and hate: Hearing someone say "Oh you gonna write about this on your blog now?" This caused me to self-censor myself or second guess what I was interested and wanting to share. Well after reading a particular friend's (anonymous)-ish blog, I realized I don't care anymore. Time to write.

I really hope that I write about stuff you all will want to comment on and conversate about.
Happy New Year everyone.