Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Free Things You Should Know About

Ah the internet...
If there was any cool thing about the internet that wasn't being used enough it is podcasting (and videocasting). Imagine this. You are starting at your TV looking for things to watch. If you don't have TiVo (or your favorite digital TV recorder) you're stuck watching whatever comes by. Those of us blessed by having a TiVo-thingy know that you can watch your favorite shows anytime you want to, as long as it recorded it. What could be better then that? You can skip the commericals in recorded shows, rewind, save it forever. I'll tell you whats better. But first, some history.

Before there was any mention of I's or Pod's there was Red vs. Blue (RvB). RvB was a gamers kind of show, a Spy vs. Spy using the Halo universe as its stage and (mostly) without fail, would post a new webisode up for free, on the internet, with their own money for bandwidth. With iTunes leading the charge, there are venues where you could download these shows automatically for free. Let me tell you a day in the life for me.

I wake up, walk downstairs and immediately open iTunes. It starts downloading everything thats been updating for that day of things I listen to or watch on my video iPod. Podcasts, which are like blocks of audio shows that download like what I just described, and also whole shows on video. Most of whats from the old TechTv guys are now producing some of the best on the web., Diggnation, Ctrl+Alt+Chicken, Meet the Press, etc are all shows that are available for free on download. And if you can make your way from the computer to TV, will be better then TiVo will ever be. §


Anonymous said...

So you really do watch things on the small iPod screen? I have used torrents for shows I forgot to dvr, but I don't think I'd enjoy a teeny screen.


Caridad said...

i did not see a place to email you. i have your aim account and i'm going to try to email you there. thanks for posting about the vid and digg my story. it means a lot to me. still have not been featured on youtube. what the hell does a man have to do to get featured. fox news, digg...holy crap...

talk to you later
