Saturday, March 22, 2008

Writing to My Congressperson

Nothing makes me more apathetic about politics then trying to "write to my congressperson". And nothing says "you're insignificant" more then the Congressman response form letter. Look, if I thought by calling or writing my representative would be a louder voice then some lobbyists lavish gifts and, well lets be honest, bribes, then I'd be more pro-active in the political process. But as it stands now, the only people with voice are people with money.

Take for example the linked reference article.

In it the RIAA/MPAA mafia added legistlation binding the schools to help give them evidence for students who distribute on p2p and bit torrent networks within the University. USF is no exception as it forces you to agree to a Terms of Use Agreement saying that you have to basically not participate in that kind of activity lest they give you up to be sued for a few thousand dollars.

This is domestic terrorism. If you think that what the RIAA/MPAA are doing is legal and just by going after individual citizens, then keep on purchasing and participating. Everyone else, boycott them. Bu music online direct from the artist. Rent movies from Apple store. Do whatever you can to give them less leverage to stop the lawsuits.

Link via Ars Technica

1 comment:

Beth said...

You know -- I think they listen more than we realize. Yeah, I've thought the same thing. What good does it do. Nobody paid any attention when I said the Iraq war was wrong -- not the first time and not this time. But I have heard and read that they do read and print the emails. Very few people write to congresscritters. They say that it might be a staffer who answers, but they DO count responses and keep track of constituent involvement. Be the one who adds the straw that makes the difference on that camel's back.
