Monday, June 25, 2007


Ok, that last part was made up. No one is against MILFs, at least not yet. Doesn't it seem weird though that everything has an orginization against it? Drunk driving has MADD, Google has privacy advocate groups, RIAA and MPAA have the entire world, ACLU has reason.... it never seems to end does it? Well lucky for us, for all you parents that don't have the common sense to figure out how the ESRB works, we have an advocacy group for you. Its called The National Institute on Media and the Family, and its sole purpose is to make sure you're kids aren't being marketed things like Halo or Grand Theft Auto for your little young ones so they don't trick you into buying said games without doing any research at all. Cause God forbid there is an easy-to-use system on all of the boxes that clearly tell you what age groups should be playing said games.

Alright, enough sarcasm. Do I care about Manhunt 2 getting pulled from distrobution or Rockstar getting this black eye? No. There is a line called taste, and Rockstar may have crossed it. But, because of the naysayers track records on past games like Bully, I actually gave Rockstar the benifit of a doubt. No, I've never played or seen footage of Manhunt 2. I agree that making an innocent civillian shooter is a terrible thing, including those created in completely bad taste, but is it protected under free speech? Personally I think ESRB did this soley because it wasn't a popular game to begin with, it was developed by Rockstar, and it was violent. Rockstar didn't lose terribly over missing the ship date of this game, and the ESRB can look good by showing NIMF that it can prevent violent games from entering the market, which I guess looks good to NIMF because it keeps the truth from their supporters that they don't have a constitutional leg to stand on.

Enough ranting and raving. I'm done. I got a different viewpoint from a mother and still feel like I made some good points on my own. We don't need a lettered orginization telling people what to buy. Take some responsibility for your own actions.

1 comment:

Beth said...

Hey this mother (well, actually YOUR mother) doesn't like violent games at all. You know I think that what you fill your head with, ends up being in your heart and becoming your karma. BUT I also believe that people are responsible to create their own lives and their own head space. Yes, parents have more responsibility for the youngers, but that's all life. I missed some things, but I think I watched most of them.